Quest for Glory 1 Walkthrough (2024)

Choose a character. Stealth and parry should have at least 5 points. Climbing OR throwing should have at least 5 as well. Allot the rest to your liking.

Day 1

You will enter the town and be greeted by the sheriff. After he has gone back to smoking his pipe ask him about otto, monsters, brigands, the merchant, and the inn. Then go up your screen past the barber's shop, and make sure to heed the Sheriff's warning.

At the fruit and veggie stand buy some apples. The veggies are yucky and worthless to buy. Ask the centaur about her name, father, field, and brigands. Then go into the dry goods store right next to her stand.

Ask the storekeeper about his wares and if you wish, buy what you can afford. Remember though to save your money for other stores, meals and a room at the inn. Exit the store when you are done and go past the purple house (off your screen).

Go into the alley and talk to the beggar (you will have to give him a silver). Ask him about his name, thieves, and brigands. Exit the alley and heed his warning too. Enter the bar.

Look at the gamblers, bartender, goon and drunk guy. Go sit down and ask about drinks. Beer is the only safe drink to buy. Troll's sweat knocks you out and you lose all you $$$. Dragon's breath kills you.

The barbers, bakers, butchers, and wooden building (by the bar) are unimportant. You can't enter them.

Go back to the sheriff and then enter the inn. Sit down and eat or drink (or both, or none, it doesn't matter). Talk to the innkeeper and ask him about his name, home, merchant, monster and brigands. Leave the inn and go to the magic shop (off your screen to the left).

Enter the magic shop and talk to Zara. Ask her about creature, potions, magic, curse, erasmus, baba yaga, and spells. Then ask her about flame dart, open, fetch, magic potion, vigor potion, and healing potion. If you have magic points you may wish to buy a spell scroll. Remember still to save your money. Eventually you will be able to obtain all the spells. Exit the magic shop.

Go into the guild hall and look at all the monsters. Then go to the bulletin board and read about all the quests (type in look at quests). Also look at the book on the desk, and sign it. Talk to the guild master and ask him about name, schultz, baron, curse, elsa, baronet, dragon, yorick, cheetaur, troll, griffon, antwerp, saurus, and moose. Exit the building.

Check the time (ctr-T), and if it is sunset or later go to the inn and talk to abdulla doo. Give him a silver. Ask him about brigands, leader, minotaur, warlock, and shapeir. If you are not a thief go to the innkeeper and buy a room. If you are a thief wander around until it is dark.

For Thieves Only!! Once it is dark go to either the old ladies house or the sheriffs house. Walk up to the door and type "pick lock". You will most likely still need some practice, so keep at it till you open the door. The little old ladies door is easier to open than the sheriffs. If you do enter either house, make sure and do the other house the same night, or he/she bars the door. When you are in the old ladies house take the candlesticks, search the knitting basket, search the couch, take the money from the purse, open the drawer and take the money. Whatever you do, do NOT go up the stairs. The little old lady wakes up, because the stairs creak, calls for help, and the cat transforms into a monster and pins you down until the sheriff arrives. Also do not take to long robbing her place, or the cat transforms anyway, and you don't make a very good hero sitting in jail.

If you go into the sheriff's house, take the music box (you can open it if you want), alabaster vase, golden candelabra, and search the desk for money. After taking the alabaster vase type "move picture". The picture moves up and you find a safe. Pick the lock, and take the coins. Try to make sure you have a lot of time, because it takes time to open the safe. Don't go into any of the rooms or you get busted.

After you have conveniently robbed everyone in town, go into the alley. Get in-between the two thieves and type "show thief sign". They will then give you the thieves password. Write it down, and don't lose it (or mix different passwords up with different games). Then go into the bar and say the password to Crusher. Get a license and sell all the stuff you stole (type "sell_____"). Remember, if you don't want to rob everyone you don't have to, and you don't have to do it the first night either, I'm just getting it done with while I can. If it is after midnight when you are done, you can't go to the inn to sleep, you'll just have to stay up the night, unless you feel like getting robbed. You can climb the wall and search the paths if you want, but don't let any monsters catch you off the path.

Now that all that nasty stuff is done, let's go on with everything else. When you wake up the next morning, leave town and proceed up the path. When you reach the healer you will see a large tree with a nest in it. If you have climbing AND stealth skill type climb tree, until you actually climb the tree. Then take the ring. If you don't have climbing or stealth skill throw rocks at the nest. And if you don't have throwing skill cast fetch at the nest. If you don't have the money to buy fetch spell, just get the ring when you have the spell.

Now go into the healers. Ask her about name, potions, vigor potion, healing potion, magic potion, undead unguent, creature, components, cheetaur claws, magic mushrooms, flowers, troll beard, and ring. Then if you have the ring, give it to her. She will five you six golds and two healing potions as a reward. You can go back in the building and buy any potions after she has kissed you. Don't steal any potions from her, or she won't let you in the next time, and you'll have to buy Zara's potion (which are more expensive). Also she plays a key part in rescuing one of the baron's children. Head the rest of the way north up the path.

When you reach the castle talk to the guard at the gate. Ask him about name, baron, baroness, elsa, yorick, baronet, work, and weapons master. When you are done asking him all that ask him to open the gate. Enter the courtyard. You will see a large square in front of you, and the castle to the extreme front. To your right is the stable, and you left the barracks. Go right to the stable, and when the stableman asks you to work say yes. You get five silvers. You can also sleep in here come sunset.

Now head over to the barracks. There is a guard sleeping there, and he is very hostile, you can't learn anything from him, and there is no point in ever coming here again.

Go up to the castle. You will see two guards. When you walk up to the door they tell you that you can't enter, that the baron sees no one. You can talk to them I suppose, but there's not much they can tell you.

When you walk back into the courtyard (if it is not sunset) you may see a man with a sword practising his technique. This is the weapons master. Go and talk to him. Ask him about baron, baronet, weapons, skill, and then answer his questions. If you don't have parry skill you won't get to practise with him. When you practise with him (it cost's a gold), you improve your weapon use.

If it is not yet sunset go out of the castle and off to the left of the healers house. You will see a centaur raking a field. Ask him about Hilde, field, brigands, and leader. Then walk back into town, eat (if you feel you must) and go to bed.

Remember now that there are two places to sleep. You can sleep in the stable, and actually end up earning money, or sleep in the inn and pay money, but get food. It's up to you.

When you wake up the next morning, where ever you are, try to eat rations or apples, if you're not hungry you won't eat them. Next clean up the stable (if you haven't already), and if you want, go have a spar with the weapon's master. Now go down to the town gate and turn east (right). You will eventually come to the avalanche, and when you do turn around and go to the previous screen. If you sit here long enough you will see eyes peeping out at you from the forest. They aren't important, but they are there. Go between these two screens until a fox appears. Free the fox. You will get a rewarding feeling, and a little bit of help besides.

After you have freed the fox go up to the centaur's field and go west (left). The first forest screen is north of the graveyard, so no monsters can get you (I have no idea why!). If you go south you will see the graveyard. Note the DEEP hole at the bottom right of the screen. Do NOT go there. Also note the red plant growing out of the one grave. It is a mandrake, and will play a part in things to come. Don't ever go into the graveyard at night, unless you have used the healers undead unguent first. It is fairly expensive (10 gold), so plan to only make a few trips to the graveyard (hopefully none of them permanent!)

After you have seen the graveyard, go back up to the first forest screen you visited, and then go west until you arrive at the goblin fort. Your character can't see the goblins, but you can. So be careful. If you feel like it you can fight, but most likely the goblins won't fight you until they have assessed your weaknesses. If you really want to fight a goblin (one of the easiest monsters in the game) fight the bush. At first the goblins will only fight you one at a time, but soon they will gang up on you. A good hero can kill 20 goblins without getting hurt too badly. Anyway it's a good way to make some quick cash. After you've killed the goblin (make sure to save in case it kills you), type in search goblin, and take all it's money.

You have now been introduced into the wonderful world of heroism! Where you kill the monster or it kills you. Of course you can always escape if necessary? Right? Wrong!! There are some encounters that you can't escape from, so before you enter a strange looking conflict, make sure you can defeat the monster. (note: you can always escape from monsters wandering around the forest, it's just ones in caves, and places like that you might not be able to.) If you run into a monster in the forest that you can't defeat yet just run away (or die trying). Remember to save quite often, as hero's quite often die in the course of an adventure, and you don't want to lose 5 hero's days worth of knowledge and experience.

After you have killed the goblin (or it has killed you and you have restored) go as far north as you can. You will come upon a strange looking place. All those mindless look alikes, it reminds you of your local high school (anyways enough with the BAD humor). This is Baba Yaga's hut. You know, the Baba Yaga who is the cause of all the problems, and you have to drive her out of the land. If you walk up towards the gate the skull will start talking to you. If you talk to him enough, eventually he will propose you a deal, a glowing gem for a chance to see baba yaga herself (great deal, huh?!). You can either agree or disagree, but you need to give the gem to him eventually- so thieves, don't fence it off!

After talking to "bone-head", there isn't much else you can do here. So go back to the goblins fort, and then to the centaur. If it is sunset go sleep, and if not go down to where you met the fox. Go up north from this screen, and you will notice the branches on the east have snow on them. Go east and find out why. As you enter this screen the first thing you will notice is that it is icy here. Do not run. You lose health points because you slip. The next thing you will notice is a big blue guy who is acting menacing. Don't follow your first urge and fight him, for he is important. Talk to him. Ask him about: deal, gem and jotunheim. The deal is, you give him enough fruit to fill his hands, and he gives you a glowing gem (hint, hint). You need approximately 50 apples to make the deal, and if you don't have the money, don't worry you will later.

Just in case you're wondering it doesn't matter what time of day you do these things, and if it does, I'll be sure and tell you. It is always a good idea to be in bed before nightfall though (until you get more experienced), and in a safe place (or the night gaunts'll getcha!). So always check the time. Being out all night is rather boring if you can't fight any monsters, or go very many places without getting killed.

Anyway, I am going to disperse with the go to bed at sunset, for you know to do that already. Just check the time, and go to bed come sunset, and continue what you were doing the next day.

Go to the town gates and go south (down) the screen. Go as far south as you can. You will come to a lake. You can drink the water here if you want, it's free, so it's better than buying from the inn. If you look to the east you will see a waterfall, and what looks like a door. Go up from the lake and then turn right. You will come to the waterfall and door. You can drink the water here as well and it is also free. Type in "look at waterfall", and remember the description of the water.

Now about that door. If you have climbing skill try to climb up the cliff face. You will eventually be able to do it. If you have throwing skill pick up some rocks and throw them at the door. After hitting the door three times you will be shown a way up. If you don't have climbing or throwing, just magic, wait a while, you will eventually be able to get up the cliff.

When you do get up the cliff, stand to the right of the door and knock on it. A man?, creature?, will come swinging out and invite you in. This is 'enry the 'ermit. A lovable old chap who loves to talk, though he says he doesn't talk at all. Sit down on the chair and ask him about name, hermit, brigands, warlock, mirror, erasmus, magic, scroll (if he offers you the scroll take it), straw, and cribbage. You can play a game of cribbage if you like.

If he gives you the scroll you will discover that it is the trigger spell. Trigger is a spell that sets off other spells. If there is a chest with a magic trap, you cast trigger and the trap is activated (just make sure you're out of range of the trap).

Leave 'enry's cave and climb down the cliff face. Walk as far west (left) as you can. Eventually you will come to a screen with a beautiful white stag in it.. Follow the stag, he will lead you to the dryad's tree. She will ask you if you are a friend of the forest. You can answer yes or no, but you will eventually have to answer yes. Do not harm any of the innocent forest creatures (the stag, some plant's you'll learn about), or the dryad will get really mad at you and shape change you into what you tried (and maybe succeeded) to destroy.

If you answered yes to the "friend of the forest" question, she will ask you to fetch the seed of the spore spitting spirea. You agree to fetch it for her (not that you have any choice in the matter), but right now you are probably wondering, "what the heck is a spore spitting spirea, and where do I find it". Well I am going to take you to it in a roundabout way so you can do some other stuff while getting there.

Go one screen to you right, and then go north/up it. You will come to a screen with a large ring of mushrooms. This is the fairy ring, where the fairies dance at night. If you remember, the healer said she'd pay you for some. So pick some (just take one handful, because she only accepts so many), and remember this spot in the future.

Now you go left again, and if no monsters are chasing you go up. Then go left again. You will come to a clearing at the edge of the forest with a whole bunch of round stones in the ground. No it's not something like Stonehenge, if you wait long enough little furry blue, purple, and occasionally green guys will pop up. Type look, and you will discover that this is the meeps peep. When a meep is up from it's hole, ask it something, and you will get to talk to a green meep. Ask him about magic, and take the scroll (if he gives it to you). It is a detect magic scroll, and it does just what the name says, detects magic in an area. Then ask about green fur, and take the pile he gives you.

Now go as far east as you can. You will eventually come upon the town graveyard. Now go as far north as you can. After about 3 screens you will come upon a strange place. There are these weird purple plants spitting a seed all over the place. Since this is the only seed you have seen, you will have to assume that the plants are the spore spitting spirea. And they are. You can get the seed by climbing, throwing rocks at it, or casting fetch. If you can't climb or throw very well yet, just keep on practising, you'll get it eventually. If you don't have the fetch spell, don't worry, you eventually will.

After you get the seed (or not), go right from the spirea, and then go up as far as you can. You will then have no choice but to go right (or back down). Go right from the avalanche screen, and then go up. You will come to a screen with a stone in the ground, a carpet of beautiful flowers, and a tree with shimmering fruit. This is erana's peace. A place that both the healer, and Zara have told you about. If you pick some of the flowers and give them to the healer, she will give you five silvers. She only accepts so many though, so don't do it too often, or you won't be able to get money when you need it.

The tree has fruit that you can eat on it. The fruit refreshes you, and you don't have to eat or drink anything else for the day.

If you go over to the stone and type in read stone you will see that it has the words erana's peace carved into it. If you type in read runes, you will see the message "If thy will is magic, so shall I share, open this stone and claim what is there". This is obviously the secret that Zara was talking about. If you have the open spell, cast it, and the stone will lift, revealing a hole with a scroll in it (if you don't have the spell, don't worry you will). The scroll you pick up is the Calm spell. If you cast it at a monster chasing you, it will be lost in contemplation of life, and it's belly button. This will allow you to make a quick getaway. The more experienced you are, the longer the monster contemplates. It won't work on magical creatures (such as the mantray), and if you hurt a monster (by throwing a dagger at it) it won't work either. NEVER cast it while you are in battle. The spell works, and the monster calmly eats you. It effectively ends your hero career.

This is also a safe place to sleep, and a refuge from any monsters that are chasing you. If you sleep here all your stats are made full (meaning if you go to bed with 10/20 health points, you will wake up with 20/20).

Go down from erana's peace, and then go right. You will come to a place at the edge of the forest with a cave entrance. Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention the ogre who wants to smash your skull, and other various things. The ogre is one of the easier hard monsters to fight (I know, oxymoron), and it shouldn't take too long to kill him. A good tactic to use is what I call the hit and run: you hit him, and then you escape (trying not to sustain any damage)-then you go back and fight him again, and escape... It works really good with some of the harder monsters, because you don't get hurt as much. Anyway, you probably can't kill him right now, so let's go do something else.

Now go back to the spore spitting spirea. There is nothing left to do here, but it's a convenient stopping place. Now go as far east as you can, and then go down 1 screen. Then go east, and you should come to a screen with snow on the tree's. Go east again, and you will come to a screen with a mountain and a large purple house. This is Erasmus' house. He is a rather eccentric old wizard with a strange (some find funny) sense of humor. He has a lot of info if you ask him the right questions.

Climb up the mountain, and at the top, a gargoyle on the house will talk to you. He will ask you three questions to get in to see the wizard. If he asks you what your favorite color is, it's always purple!! And even if you do know the thieves password, don't answer with it, or he won't let you in ("No thieves allowed!!"). The other questions he asks are: Whose spell protects the town-erana's, What is the barons first name-Stefan, What is your quest-to become a hero, Who do you seek here-the wizard/erasmus. If there are any other's, it's basically what is your name and stuff like that.

When you are let into the house (if you aren't try again), don't go into either of the side rooms, just go up to the tower. You can look at all the stuff in the room, it's not too important, but is interesting. When you get up to the top erasmus will greet you, and introduce fenrus (his familiar). If you are a magic user he will ask you if you want to play his game. His game involves 4 spells: flame dart, fetch, trigger, and open. You try to navigate you bug through a series of obstacles, and not get eaten, or fall off the cliffs. If you are the first through the maze, erasmus teaches you a spell called razzle dazzle. It casts a bright light at whoever you direct it at, and they are blinded. If you want to win, make sure you have a large supply of magic potions (like 15 or so at first, 8 or so later). You can drink while you play, so you don't run out of magic points.

After you have played the game (or not), ask erasmus various questions. I might not have them all here, so ask about any others that you feel are important. If you ask too many unimportant questions he throws you out of the house. Ask about erasmus, magic, wizard, zara, erana, baba yaga, game, fenrus, curse, counter curse (it's either one word or two, you'll figure it out), mirror, brigands, warlock, and henry. I can't think of any more right now, but there probably are, so just ask anything that pops into your head.

After visiting erasmus, go down to the town gates. And go south one screen then turn west. You will come to a screen with two lines of bushes, and in-between them an archery target. Walk down, and then back up, and you will be in-between the two lines of bushes. If you have a dagger you can practise throwing. This is a good way to get your throwing stats up, as well as your strength, agility, and vitality. You will have to rest quite often, and it's not a good idea to fight any monsters when your stamina is down to 1/4 of what it should be. If you rest, it will never be less than 1/2. Anyway, if you want to speed things up when you're learning to throw, cheat and get 10 or so daggers. Throw them all, as often as you want, and when you get ready to leave, just throw them all except the number you had before (if had 2, got 10 throw 8) and leave. It saves a lot of time, and you're not keeping the daggers, so it's not *really* cheating.

If you follow a daily regimen of sleeping, getting up, working at the stable, sparring with the W.M. (weapon master), and then going and throwing daggers (or practising other skills), you will up your strength, and all that fairly steadily. You can do other stuff during this too, if you want. Killing goblins to get some cash is a good idea every once in a while, and visiting henry, or erasmus is okay too. Also you should try to explore all the forest and know (generally) where most stuff is. I am not going to tell you how to get to places any more, just tell you to go there, so if you want to know, without hunting around, print out my map, it shows all the important places. Just try to keep it regular and steady, and you'll be a mammoth hero in no time.

After your throwing is up to 100 it's time to try fighting other monsters (you may have already done this). When you go to fight brigands go down to the antwerp, and then go east. The brigands will come after you after one or two screens, because you are near their ambush. You can go to the ambush if you want, but you can't do anything there yet, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you haven't fought a brigand before, a good hit and run strategy works best (this strategy works good with every monster that you can escape from). After you get some experience killing them, you can fight them without escaping. Eventually it takes three thrusts to kill them.

Brigands have a lot more money than goblins, so start saving up your money to get some chainmail armor. It takes a long while (believe me I know, I fought at least 6 brigands every day, and it still took me ages to get enough), but it's worth it. The chainmail gives you greater protection against a monsters blows. When a goblin use to hit you it knocked off a fair chunk of health points, the chain mail protects from that, and you can stay in a fight much longer.

Click here to see the rest of my Walkthough (even if it’s not all that much!).

Return to QFG!

Quest for Glory 1 Walkthrough (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5501

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.